Thank you for taking the time to write to your political representatives to let them know how you feel about the COVID-19 Omnibus (Emergency Measures) and Other Acts Amendments Bill 2020.
With people power, it is very likely the Bill will be defeated.
However, there is one more thing you can do to help ensure that at the very least, clause 16 of this Bill is removed.
If you live in any one of the following regions, it is particularly important for you to get in touch with your MPs to voice your concerns before the 13th October as they have the deciding power to approve or oppose this Bill!
Northern Metropolitan – Fiona Patten, Reason party – 03 9386 4400
Northern Metropolitan – Dr Samantha Ratnam, Victorian Greens – (03) 9348 2622
Northern Victoria – Tania Maxwell, Derryn Hinch Justice Party – (03) 4700 1787
Eastern Metropolitan – Rod Barton, Transport Matters Party – 03 9850 860
Eastern Victoria – Jeff Bourman, Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party – (03) 5623 2999
Southern Metropolitan – Cliff Hayes, Sustainable Australia – 03 95308399
South Eastern Metropolitan – Adem Somyurek, Independent – (03) 9794 0699
Western Metropolitan – Catherine Cumming, Independent – 03 9689 6373
Western Victoria – Stuart Grimley, Derryn Hinch Justice Party – (03) 5218 5001
Western Victoria – Andy Meddick, Animal Justice Party – (03) 5222 1941
Your MPs staff are typically friendly and helpful and will pass on your feedback to your MP. If you wish to speak to your MP directly, let the staff member taking your call know.
To prepare for the conversation, make sure you have a couple of questions ready to go. Please ensure you remain respectful and courteous. During these times we are all under a lot of pressure and kindness goes a long way.
Some suggestions to start the conversation:
Hi, my name is <name> and I live in <suburb>. I’m deeply concerned about the COVID-19 Omnibus (Emergency Measures) and Other Acts Amendments Bill and am calling to ask how <MP’s name> will be voting on this Bill?
Here are a couple of points you may also like to raise:
- Clause 16 gives the Department of Health & Human Services the power to appoint authorised officers to indefinitely detain anyone they believe to be high risk or anyone they reasonably believe is likely not to follow a directive.
- Individuals can therefore be detained before they have committed an offence.
- There is no provision for a review of the detention which means a person may need to apply to the Supreme Court to grant an order for release.
- The definition of Authorised officer is so broad that anyone, even without any formal qualification or training, could be appointed for the role
- There is no reason or justification given for the requirement of such extreme powers that are being proposed.